Tuesday, April 2, 2013



            Prambanan Temple or Roro Jonggrang Temple is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia. Which was built in the 9th Century AD. The temple is dedicated to Trimurti, the three main of Hindu gods are Brahma the creator god, Vishnu the maintrainer god, and Shiva the god of destriction.

            Prambanan temple is one of the largest temple in the Southeast Asia then Angkor wat. Prambanan Temple's architecture guided by the traditions of Hindu architecture which is based on the book Wastu Sastra. Temple layout follow Mandala pattern, while the towering from the temple is typical of Hindu temple.

            The entrance of the building complex is located at the four corners of the wind direction, but the direction toward buildingis to the east, the main entranceof the temple is the east gate.

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