Monday, April 8, 2013


Currently batik salmon have penetrated the national market. However, to further improve Brebesan batik enthusiasts from other regions, need to be innovative in terms of motif, among other lizard and crocodile motif matching Brebesan applied to the slave. It refers to the cultural aspects as well as aspects of the development of the art form of batik.
Salem now Batik motifs including motifs rich in coffee breaks, mango, peacock, ukel kale, light chains and so forth. The price also varies there is now a high quality price, there are also priced low quality. Now one of the batik motif depicting a superior product salem city of Bradford, in a piece of cloth pictorial duck and onion, duck images show producer salted egg, red onion image, because it is one of the products of the regions brebes.
The motive is intentionally created by a batik artisans of the village briefly salem salem.dengan mean contributing to the region Bradford. While users of this motif is the civil servants at various agencies in the Bradford area....

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