Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Borobudur Temple

            Borobudur is built as a single large stupa, and when viewedfrom above takes fromof a giant trantic buddhist mandala. Simultaneously representing the buddhist cosmologi and nature of mind. The foundation is a square, approximately 118 meters on each side. It has nine platforms, of which the lower six are square and the upper are cilcular. The upper platform features seventy-two small stupas surrounding one large central stupa. Each stupa is bell-shaped pierced by numerous decoractive openings.

              Borobudur is constuctedin such a way that it reveals various levels of terraces, showing intricate architecture that gos from being heavily ornamented with bas-relief scluptures. These are exquiste, considered to be the most elegant and graceful in the ancient Buddhist world.

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