Wednesday, April 10, 2013



Demak was the first Islamic empire or kingdom in Java. The kingdom was founded by Prince Fracture (1478-1518) in 1478, is a nobleman Raden broken Majapahit kingdom duchy duke served as a Petty Officer, Demak. The prestige of the empire obtained from Walisanga, consisting of sembila the great scholars, the earliest Islamic preachers in Java.
At the beginning of the 14th century, Lu Yan Emperor of the Ming Dynasty in China sent a princess to the king UB V in Majapahit, as a token of friendship between the two countries. Beautiful princess beauty and smart was soon a special place in the hearts of kings. King UB is very subject to all the will of the princess and poise to carry a lot of disagreement in the Majapahit palace. Because the princess was berakidah monotheism. At that time, UB already has a queen from Champa (now named Cambodia), Champa king still relatives.
The empress had a mismatch with the daughter of Emperor Yan Lu administration. Finally with a heavy heart to get rid of the king's beautiful daughter of the palace. In a state contains, the princess granted to duke Pelembang, Arya Damar. Well that's where Raden Patah born from the womb of the princess china.

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