Saturday, March 30, 2013



             Semarang City is the Capital of Central Java province, Indonesia. semarang is a city led by mayor of Drs. H Soemarmo HS, M.Si and deputy mayor Hendrar Prihadi, SE, MM. It's located about 466 km east of Jakarta, or 312 km west of Surabaya, or 624 km southwest of Banjarmasin (via air). Semarang bordering the Java sea in the north, in the east of Demak, Semarang district in the south, and the District of Kendal in the west.
             Semarang residents generally are javanese and use the java language as the daily language. Adopted the majority religion is Islam. Semarang has a large Chinese comunity. As in other areas of Java, Especially in Central Java, they are closely with the locals and use the Java language in communication since hundreds of years ago.

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